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Windows didn't have a lot of scripting capabilities when last I was using that platform, other than cygwin, with PowerShell and SfL being more recent additions. MacOS, being a different approach, can have scripts written in bash or zsh or another command shell, or in Perl or Python or various other languages. FL Studio The DAW powering the world's best music. Celebrating Lifetime Free Updates for over 23 years.

Mac Os Catalina


Sfl Mac Os Catalina

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version 6

for students

iNMR is the software of your dreams: elegant yet affordable, straightforward yet complete, tightly integrated with the OS, well tested and fast. When your spectra are beautifully reproduced in full screen size and they respond immediately to your commands, that is the ultimate NMR experience!
iNMR can do all the things you expect from a traditional NMR program (and ten times more), plus the things you would expect from a genuine Mac or Win application. The clean interface is the secret to the high user satisfaction and productivity.
iNMR is being continuously updated and tailored to the needs of the customers. One-to-one support and tailored programming are included.
Both versions are 100% native for their respective platform. With a single standard license you are free to switch between the two:

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